Ruud Boon

Ruud Boon

Ruud has his own web development company in the Netherlands where he works on web based solutions for his clients.

As an early Phalcon adapter he always followed the project closely and is using Phalcon in his daily work.

He is passionate about performance and loves working with the team and collaborators to make Phalcon better with every commit.

Nikolaos (Nikos) Dimopoulos

Nikolaos (Nikos) Dimopoulos

Nikos has been in the IT industry for over 20 years. He was introduced to the PHP world in 2000 and has been using it ever since in personal projects as well as projects for his employers.

He loves discovering new technologies and ways to integrate them with existing applications and thus reap the benefits they offer.

He is an avid supporter of Test Driven Development (TDD) and always tries to get full coverage in his code.

Nikos' continuing interest in new and innovative technologies breaking out of the norm introduced him to Phalcon. He joined the core team and his tasks mainly involve coordination of NFRs and bug fixes, help with tests, documentation and the incubator. Nikos is also responsible for maintaining the Windows DLLs for the project and offers support whenever possible.

Serghei Iakovlev

Serghei Iakovlev

Serghei has been working as a Ruby/PHP developer for over 8 years and has been specializing in web application development. As a supporter and advocate of Behavior Driven Development (BDD) is also a member of the Codeception team.

Serghei can be found neck deep in innovative technologies which introduced him in Phalcon. He is responsible for the coordination of bug fixes, testing, developer tools, incubator and support other Phalcon-related projects.

When he's not working, Serghei enjoys watch documentaries, science fiction movies and sometimes plays Mahjong or Go.

Paul Scarrone

Paul Scarrone

Twitter | Github

Paul considers himself very lucky to have spent the last decade of his life writing user-friendly software with the help of open source frameworks and tools like Phalcon. As a result, he spends his off-work hours trying to improve FOSS tools and the lives of other developers like himself. He has a strong need for simple code and self-evident UX, with Phalcon he focuses on documentation, new user experience, contributor relations, and community outreach.

Paul recently started his own company to follow his passion of building intuitive software with emerging technologies like, ReactJS, Webpack, Ruby, and Elixir(Erlang). He now proudly adds Zephir and Phalcon to that ever growing list and is happy to take on the role of cheerleader, advocating their innovative features.

On the chance he isn't coding, Paul is following in his wife's footsteps and developing his interest in videography and video production. He operates an educational YouTube channel currently focused on Phalcon and as needed as a Computer Science lecturer.

Andres Gutierrez

Andres Gutierrez (special mention)

Andres is no stranger to open source projects. In the last nine years, he has designed and released frameworks for PHP and has been involved in web development - his main passion.

A TR35 winner, Andres' main drive is to always choose and implement or use the right tool for the job, mostly focused on performance. Therefore in 2011 a new idea was in the works; to create a new kind of framework for PHP developers, one that focuses on usability, features and mostly performance.

Through this new innovative approach Phalcon was born. A PHP framework written in C that can offer a wealth of features to developers while maximizing performance and keeping resource utilization low.

Andres is was the inspiration behind Phalcon and although he is no longer with the project, we would always be thankful for his vision.

Phalcon contributors
Phalcon is improved everyday by our amazing community